If you follow along with me on Instagram.. then you know I’ve been going to Melody DanceFit classes since November of last year. I grew up dancing.. specifically hip-hop heavily influenced by latino music. Latin jazz, salsa and reggaeton. I missed it so much after college and my weekend nights at the bars dancing til 2 am died. I went to one of Melody’s pop up classes in collaboration with Outdoor Voices and fell in love. I actually used to teach hip hop dance in college so this was like HEAVEN. If you live in Austin or are looking to visit, don’t miss her #sexysweatysaturday classes at the Parish 12 pm. Here is a playlist inspired by her DanceFit classes. It goes hard and is way inappropriate but sometimes you just gotta jam. Start moving…
Fall Playlist
Low Tide
listen to some tunes that are giving me all the feels.. ready to relax by the fire and drink hot cider.. this is my playlist of the (last few) month(s) because it’s been way too long since I’ve shared my music here!
Jacket - Vintage
Bodysuit - Western’ Darlin’
Boots - PAIGE
Denim - Madewell
Cozy Playlist
HEYYY.. It's been a while since I posted some of my favorite tunes.. kinda sad how we grow up and college days suddently seem so far away.. but those were the days I sat and listened to music for hours. I miss finding new jams.. but lately I've been making it a point to add a song to a playlist whenever I hear it or it comes up on my discover on Spotify! I have a playlist that makes me feel like warm blanket or its blanket when I'm feeling like my head is spinning and I need the feels.. something cozy and warm.. like a blanket.
check out my blanket playlist :)
AND happy christmas time!!! ONLY 21 MORE DAYS!!!
one of my favorite new bands I discovered during sxsw this past year is Yoke Lore.. they have the cutest new Christmas song they played live on Spotify Sessions. Give it a listen HERE.
photo by Paige Newton
Literally can't stop listening.. and post Grammy's I decided to dedicate a playlist to him and all the jams I can't stop listening to.. follow along :)
photo via rollingstone.com .. also I need that cap
just a photo I felt embodies me when I listen to 'Juke Jam' by Chance...
mingle and mistletoe
Christmas music is the best - buttttt I've been curating a playlist over the last few months that I cannot stop listening to! It's what I call happy vibe music and it has been slowly stirred the last few months where you just keep adding on to the playlist and it becomes its own sorta thing.. well yeah I felt like some of you might be in need of a little pick me up.. here it is!
mingle and mistletoe playlist
I love love finding new music.. my favorite Christmas album this season has been
Christmas Songs by Penny & Sparrow
It has the best of the best with the most tranquil vocals and takes you back to the good old days.
It also has those beautiful old church hymns that stand the test of time and make my heart melt for Jesus in a very different sort of worship experience. I love those quiet moments in the stillness, where a song just moves you to tears and its because for that moment you feel so small, and Jesus feels so infinitely greater. Its peaceful and warm, just like chestnuts roasting by the open fire ;)
My heart gets heavy and remembers that all the hustle and movement and gifts and parties and days off are nothing compared to the glorious joy of Jesus Christ being born into this world, as a HUMAN, like you and me. It's beautiful and really is the reason for the season... what a beautiful gift.
by Kaytee Lauren Photography
fall music atlas
my playlist of the month
this playlist has been on repeat during all my drives in between work, traffic, play time, fun time, weekend hangouts, etc.
have at it !
hope you're getting ready for some cool nights and pumpkin errrthangg
its still sunny and hot here in AUSTIN TEXAS but we pretend like its not…
Xx stay golden and keep listening
photo Katie Jameson Photography
cool off
cool off with some hot tunes..
feeling the summer vibes with this playlist
take a listen
LIKE the photo below on my instagram @the_goldatlas and be entered to win Father John Misty's new album on vinyl and a sweet FJM t-shirt
***june 17-19th***
Father John Misty - photo by Taylor Baker
summer kickoff
Need some mid-week relief?
Check out some gold sounds on my new
summer playlist
happy listening :)
check back soon for a nice little prize package giveaway with one of the artists on my playlist...
sxsw flashback
If you live in Austin.. I think we all share a love/hate relationship with the beloved SXSW.
I have tried to pull away from my FOMO ways and go to shows I desire to be at with people I love instead of just roaming around aimlessly in desire of that magical feeling that is not created by human hands.
SO, here is a list of the incredible artists I was able to witness front row, back stage, or miles away while my happy little ears danced around in my head.
They are all jam worthy and reminded me of why live music is so stinkin' COOL. After working all week and getting sick, I have to say I'm glad it's over but I also am sad to let it go. I had such a great time and to all of those I met along the way - thank you for showing me love and encouragement and creative vibes! Rock on babes.
check out my SXSW flashback playlist on Spotify
*no particular order :)
13. MCG
chillin with GARY after the show
READY FOR ALEJANDRO TO JAM * ignore my sweaty rockstar of a face
Side note..
THANK you Shelley Neuman of the blog ATX Street Style for documenting the fashion and style of Austin, TX and hosting the @ATXSTREETSTYLE contest !
So PUMPED to have been named runner-up along with so many other fashionable babes. It was such a sweet surprise and not to mention a RAD prize pack :)
Check out her blog to see more of her #atxstreetstyle SX favorites!
golden haze
feb | gold atlas
check out my new playlist and follow .. just some tunes I'm currently digging.. new and old
fyi golden haze by wild nothing is the first song on the playlist
here are some of the looks that are inspiring my winter to spring wardrobe..style inspo >> February Lookbook
that one time I did a random Valentine's Day shoot with my sister and best friend as photographer..
month of love
sweet tunes on Spotify >>
pretty playlist
February is such an interesting time of year.. it's like awaiting spring yet still has signs of chilly weather with sunny skies. I hope this pretty playlist gets you through those winter/spring transitions and helps you celebrate all the pretty little feelings and feeling feelings all over your pale much needed tan skin in this month of love.
I love Valentine's Day!!! I love this holiday not because it forces us to give some cheesy cards or buy people flowers or a butt load of chocolate.. but because it is a chance to remind people of how LOVED they are.
happy valentine's day/week my beautiful golden babes! may all your hearts be hearts of gold and full of love.
…here are some cutesy really over the top girly galentine photos by me and my sister for inspiration and laughter..
valentine by yours truly..
My sister and I host a galantine valentine crafting party every year. This year my wonderfully creative teacher of a sister had stations.. this was the beautiful watercolor station where I spent most of my time :)
My sister Lya made these adorable Valentines! I'm taking partial credit because I found them all on Pinterest.. haha
My lovely friend Kaitlin and her cute lil laugh.
she is probably pointing out my poor crayon skills..
obnoxious done right with my sexy sister.. you know these could be in style.. probably done by Jeremy Scott or something.. next big thing I'm calling it
I think we're related and single..
XOXO stay gold
MCG "Compatible Creature" ALBUM RELEASE PARTY
TONIGHT FEB 7th at the North Door
doors open at 9pm! buy tickets here...
Mariclaire (MC) Gamble is a MEGA babe. She is the lead vocals and brains behind MCG the band.
I was able to catch MCG live at Empire Control Room during Austin's "Free Week" and fell. in. LOVE… like major fan girl fever. They did a cover of Dreams by Fleetwood Mac and Lovefool by The Cardigans and it was too perfect. Seriously.. mega talented.. gold sounds for sure.
I (The Gold Atlas = TGA) had the chance to sit down with MC over coffee and talk music, band personalities, the odds, stage style, and alter egos..it was magical. MC and the type of girl you meet and you're like.. are you real? Can I be you? She is what I describe as an urban moon child with tons of quirkiness that is so freakin' cool you're jealous (cat girls unite).
MC describes their music "genre" as an electro-pop rock feel with similar sound to the strokes, phoenix, and metric. They definitely make music you can dance to, incorporating a chill rock vibe with heavy electric guitar presence, but still laid back with the cool factor.
Photo by Brent Boswell
TGA: Why the album name "Compatible Creature"? What is the inspiration for the song and why you chose it as the album name..
- MC: "Its a song on the album.. It's based on the idea of feeling like you might be more compatible with a being from another planet than on this earth.. kinda like the missed connections we have in life and relationships.. but also celebrating your own personal quirkiness..unrequited and soulful but a little more personal - comes from a heartstring place."
TGA: How did you all meet and what brings you together?
- MC: "I knew I wanted to form a band because of the album I recorded with my brother (Evan Gamble) before the current band was formed."
- MC: "what brings us all together? GIFS.."
Their text convos consist of pure genius gifs .. believe me I have seen..
**Jay Cesak, bassist, and David Tenczar, guitar and vocals, have known MC and her brother since middle school and played in bands with him when they were younger, They basically grew up together and have a bro-bond.
- MC - lead vocals and keys/synth
Andrew Bennett - guitar, synth and vocals
Jay Cesak - bassist
David Tenczar - guitar and vocals
Drew Silverman - drums
TGA: If you were all characters from Friends..
- MC: "Oh I'm definitely Ross. Jay would be Chandler. Andrew is Monica. Drew would be Phoebe and I guess that makes David Rachel haha. If we ever collected a 6th band member he would have to fit Joey's description ;)"
TGA: Let's talk fashion. How would you describe your style..? (I personally love it and call MC my urban moon child.) ** see photos below…she's gorgeous.
- MC: My alter ego is definitely Sailor Moon… we also have a mascot.. it is the red panda. He's like granola but loves cats.
Photo by Ashley Haguewood
TGA: How do you all get ready for a show?
- MC: "We do this like Ron Burgundy dance.. we have the best times being ridiculous because we are all SO different from each other.. that's why its like really great. David and I dance to Everythings Gonna Be Alright - we do these stupid little runs with penguin feet and then we like shape the curves of a woman's body .. it helps get us hyped up before and after shows."
I love love this band and I hope you all get a chance to hear them live some time in your life because seriously its worth it.. The Gents and Cover Letter will also be playing.. even better. GOLD SOUNDS. LOvE LOVE.
GO CHECK OUT MCG live TONIGHT at the North Door, Austin, Tx.. or buy their new album "Compatible Creature" available now here and follow @MCGtheband for more updates and shows.. !!!
MC Photos by Ashley Haguewood
Check out MCG's latest music video >> "I Love The Time"
stay gold.. Xx
Photo by Ashley Haguewood
Taylor & The Wild Now
I will start posting about local artists and music that I support and love on this page "Gold Sounds". I know so many freaking talented musicians and friends that do not get the praise they deserve..so here is my first post to get you in the groove and start discovering some gold sounds..
The wonderful world of instagram allows me to meet so many amazing creative people that have eventually become friends...
Taylor Baker is one of them.
Through friends of friends and creative connections.. I was what I call "insta-friends" with this talented babe. She is not only extremely humble about her super talented voice but she is also the sweetest human and even more beautiful than she looks in photographs.. I know, its annoying. :)
Taylor & The Wild Now are an alt-indie-soul band based out of Austin, Tx. Taylor originally began as a solo act collaborating with various musicians and eventually found her way to Drew Walker and the rest of the gang - solidifying a more solid sound. Their lyrics speak to the heart while they unravel your soul with upbeat acoustics. She sounds golden.. check out their EP on iTunes and Spotify!
I wanted to give a shout out and let you all know that Taylor & The Wild Now are playing at the Parish (Austin, Tx) Friday Jan. 30th.. alongside my friends Courrier and Kiona!
Photo by Courtney Pittman
Seriously.. if you know what's good for you.. buy tickets here and have a good night with good music and old/new friends and say HEY and we can all hang like a big happy family dancing around the kitchen.
Either way.. I'll be there. Come hang with some kewl Austinites.. Xx
Just go.. you won't regret it !!!