Christmas music is the best - buttttt I've been curating a playlist over the last few months that I cannot stop listening to! It's what I call happy vibe music and it has been slowly stirred the last few months where you just keep adding on to the playlist and it becomes its own sorta thing.. well yeah I felt like some of you might be in need of a little pick me up.. here it is!
mingle and mistletoe playlist
I love love finding new music.. my favorite Christmas album this season has been
Christmas Songs by Penny & Sparrow
It has the best of the best with the most tranquil vocals and takes you back to the good old days.
It also has those beautiful old church hymns that stand the test of time and make my heart melt for Jesus in a very different sort of worship experience. I love those quiet moments in the stillness, where a song just moves you to tears and its because for that moment you feel so small, and Jesus feels so infinitely greater. Its peaceful and warm, just like chestnuts roasting by the open fire ;)
My heart gets heavy and remembers that all the hustle and movement and gifts and parties and days off are nothing compared to the glorious joy of Jesus Christ being born into this world, as a HUMAN, like you and me. It's beautiful and really is the reason for the season... what a beautiful gift.
by Kaytee Lauren Photography